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WYD - With a backpack on my back

Alicia Ambrosio

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

If you're watching any of our coverage of WYD, either on our digital cable network or at WYD Central, you will have undoubtedly seen WYD pilgrims with their WYD backpacks.
All pilgrims receive a pack with their registration. The bag itself features the official WYD colours: red, yellow and orange.
Wonder what's in the pack? It contains the official pilgrim t-shirt, a hat, a fan - because this is Spain and and it is summer. The bag also contains a copy of the YouCat Catechism book, a copy of Magnificat with which to follow the liturgies, and the Pilgrim Guidebook that outlines the schedule of week and contains useful information about Madrid and WYD services. The bag also contains a transit pass, with which pilgrims can ride metro, bus and trains all week.
At the Vigil on Saturday night, all pilgrims will reach into their backpacks and pull out a small candle to light for the vigil and at the end of the Final Mass, they will be asked to pull out a small WYD Cross to put around their neck.

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