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Where is Mary Rose? This poem reveals the answers!

Mary Rose Bacani Valenti

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I’d like you to take a few seconds to guess where I am in this photo. No, not in the market and no, not in a subway in Toronto.
In this photo, I am stuck, very much like a sardine in a can, in a New York train with 51 young Americans and one Basilian seminarian.
We got ready to get off at Grand Central Station to walk to 25 East 39th Street in New York City, the Holy See Mission to the UN’s location.
We’re here for six days to learn about Catholic Social Teaching. There’s lots of walking, studying, talking, and laughing.
Monday, our second day thinking about social justice I learned about the difference between the Holy See and the Vatican State – do you know this?
Do you also know what is Catholic Social Teaching, Its major themes, and why it’s worth knowing?
In the next blog, I’ll give answers to these questions, But I hope you do some research and learn a few lessons.
frgmrcollageBut believe it or not, for me the night’s greatest surprise was being part of the studio audience for Fr. Benedict Groeschel’s show “Sunday Night Live”.
If you care to hear more about the next few days or more stay tuned to my blogs of bad poetry – they won’t be a bore!
(Mary Rose Bacani is attending the May 16-21 Path to Peace Foundation’s Catholic Social Teaching Seminar. The theme is “Till it and Keep it: Being Stewards for a Just World”. 52 young people were selected by their respective colleges and universities to attend this 6-day seminar. The goal of the program is to make young people more aware of Catholic social teaching in the hopes that one day they will influence the world with it. Salt + Light viewers may be familiar with this seminar through our 2007 documentary Mission to the UN.)

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