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Where in the world is Mary Rose? Edmonton, Part 4

Mary Rose Bacani Valenti

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yesterday was my free day. It meant I stopped filming for Catholic Focus and I got in the mode of “presenter and Archdiocesan guest for Nothing More Beautiful.” So what did I do? I passed up on the chance to wander around the biggest mall in the world (West Edmonton Mall) with my good friend Natalie Rose and did the responsible thing – talk to the “Big Boss.”
I walked the 20 minutes it takes to get to St. Dominic Savio Catholic Church with enough time to do my morning prayer before the 8:30 am Mass. It was funny going through the door of the church because I saw my picture on the Nothing More Beautiful poster right there! After Mass, I just prayed and looked over my witness talk. It really was a wonderful time to just relax with the Lord, knowing that all I have to give for tomorrow’s talk is him and my experience with him.
Dinner time was loads of fun. Mable and Ken Solomon, my hosts, organized a “last supper” with Fran and George Lucas, Natalie Rose and Todd, and my Salt + Light confreres, Wally and Matthew (who just arrived from Toronto). Natalie, Fran, and Mable are my Catholic Women's League friends from the promotional video on the CWL that I produced in 2006. The food was superb and the conversation hilarious. George kept pointing out all the regrets he’s had in his travels in the Maritimes, such as not being able to go up the lighthouse, or not being able to get into Miramichi, the largest city in New Brunswick. On and on, with one story after the other, we had a wonderful time of R&R.
Tonight is the big night when I do my witness talk. Will I trip on my heels as I go up to the podium? Will I be able to compose myself in front of 1400 people in the Basilica? Will my microphone fall off my head? Will I faint halfway through my talk? Find out tomorrow in my final blog from Edmonton.

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