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What is hell, really?

Carlos Ferreira

Thursday, November 15, 2012

One of the biggest questions of humankind is what happens after we die? Is there life after death?
As Catholics we believe God is the ultimate judge of what we have done during our time on earth. He will decide if we go to heaven or to hell.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says “we cannot be united with God unless we freely chose to love him. But we cannot love God if we sin gravely against him, against our neighbour or against ourselves.” (CCC 1033) The church says God gave us the freedom to choose to love him or not to. The catechism says hell is the complete absence of God, which is what happens to those who choose not to love him.
On the other hand, Heaven is the place where the promise of being in the presence of God face to face is accomplished.
The unknown is something that always makes us take a step back and ponder. In this case, death is something permanent but as Catholics we believe Christ has raised, he defeated the death so we can all have life. So we should trust that after death we will be in the presence of god because we made the choice of love him.
The documentary Hellbound, directed by Kevin Miller, looks at the various perspectives that people have of hell and how they live with the idea of existence of hell.
In this documentary we can see not just the Catholic perspective of hell but the perspective other religions have of hell.
This week Deacon Pedro invited Kevin Miller, director of the documentary Hellbound, and Fr. Ian Duffy of the Diocese of Hamilton to speak about life after death and to explain what hell really is.
Join us for this discussion, Friday on Perspectives: The Weekly Edition at 7 and 11pm ET / 8pm PT. In the meantime, take part in the discussion on Facebook

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