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Three Seminaries Gather for Landmark Competition

Salt + Light Media

Thursday, November 22, 2012

by Daniele Muscolino and Joseph Palko, ISTC Founders, St. Peter’s Seminary
Over 100 seminarians and faculty took part in the first Inter-Seminary Theological Competition (ISTC) from Nov. 16-18 in London, Ontario. St. Augustine’s Seminary (Toronto) and Sacred Heart Seminary (Detroit) joined fellow seminarians from St. Peter’s Seminary for a weekend of prayer, fraternity and friendly contests on the theme of “New Evangelization”.
The three seminaries battled it out in gruelling hockey and basketball tournaments, an Amazing Race across London, an intellectual “Reach for the Top” challenge, a video challenge, and a homiletics competition—not for the faint of heart! Sacred Heart Seminary reigned victorious taking home the grand prize, the Aquinas Cup.
Included were addresses by Most Rev. Brian Dunn, Bishop of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, and Mr. Andre Regnier, founder of Catholic Christian Outreach about their experiences from the Synod on New Evangelization.
We heartily thank all participants and supporters, including the Knights of Columbus who donated funds for our team coloured shirts. We came together as three seminaries primarily to support each other in our vocation to the priesthood, but also to socialize and have fun. It is clear that there is much optimism for our Church, as we saw talents displayed and fraternal bonds shared among future priests. It is our hope that the memories and graces from this past weekend will endure and provide strength.
For more pictures and results from the ISTC weekend, go to

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