Watching their interaction as special guests on our signature
Witness program, you couldn’t help but notice the bonds of a true friendship where the two actresses draw continuous support from one another both on and off the stage. It was also touching to hear Noëlla share with Fr. Thomas Rosica how she draws inspiration for her character from her aunt, a real life religious, who loved, guided and encouraged her throughout her difficult childhood years. Elicia shared in turn her fairy tale-like experience auditioning for the role of Maria on a nationally televised reality TV show and the delight she feels playing a role in spreading a message of love, hope and courage in the search for one’s calling in life. I’ll stop there so as to not give too much away. If you want to learn more about Noëlla’s incredible career journey, how she draws strength from her onstage character and how Elicia identifies with the person of Maria, don’t miss this upcoming Witness episode airing this Sunday, December 21st at 8:30pm and 12:30am ET.