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The Gospel for the 21st century

Sebastian Gomes

Sunday, September 14, 2014

How do you take the timeless truths of the Gospel and present them in new ways to the world of the 21st century?  Our new series The Church Alive seeks to start a discussion around that question.  But it's not just about raising questions; we didn't want to keep the New Evangelization in the philosophic sphere.  No, we also wanted to tell stories of where the New Evangelization is happening!
In this clip from our first episode entitled: What is the New Evangelization?, we bring you one of these stories about a hand written, hand illuminated Bible for the 21st century commissioned by the monks of Saint John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota.  As you'll see, a mixture of faith, creativity, tradition and love can be very potent, and can indeed bring life and light to a world in desperate need of the good news.

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