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The Colour of Love

Cheridan Sanders

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik is renowned for his stunning mosaics.  His bold, colourful icons bridge Eastern and Western traditions in a jubilant mix of art that is both new and ancient.  In fact, in 1993 when Pope John Paul II saw his work he was so taken that he invited Fr. Rupnik to decorate the Redemptoris Mater chapel in the Vatican's Apostolic Palace. Today Father Rupnik's work can be found in sacred spaces all over the world.  Tonight, in the documentary The Color of Love we invite you to take a visual pilgrimage, which reveals both the artistic process and the theological depth of Father Rupnik's work. And, in our newest episode of Catholic Focus join me as I speak with filmmaker Edward Roy of J6Mediaworks about the making of documentary The Color of Love.  Find out what's it like to film sacred art, how art evangelizes and how Christian art bears witness to the colours of God's love.
That's tonight -
Catholic Focus: The Making of the Color of Love
7pm & 11pm ET / 4pm & 8pm PT
Documentary: The Color of Love
9pm & 1am ET / 6pm & 10pm PT

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