This week, director Mauro Borrelli tells us all about his new film The Last Supper. Sean Pott of the Knights of Columbus tells us about their new Lenten Mission, Billy has a question about cultural depictions of Mary and we meet Canadian singer/songwriter Patrizia Liberata. Email Deacon Pedro your comments, or find him on Twitter, […]
Join Salt + Light for Holy Week as we prepare for the coming of Christ on Easter Sunday! See below for all shows and times, beginning on Palm Sunday: Palm Sunday Read Pope Francis’ Homily here. Pope Francis celebrates Palm Sunday Mass at the Vatican on Sunday, March 20, 2016 – 12:00 pm ET (9:00 […]
Salt + Light made a pilgrimage on the footsteps of Jesus in the heart of Lent and offers us reflections of the holy places we visited. In this meditation we meet at the Cenacle in Jerusalem where Jesus shared one last meal with his friends. During this Last Supper, we are confronted with Christ’s radical […]
During our pilgrimage in the Holy Land, Salt and Light went to the place which commemorates the Last Supper, where the disciples shared their last meal together before Christ’s Passion. This place is also called Coenaculum or “Cenacle”. The disciples probably had the habit of sharing a meal together and gather for special Jewish feasts. […]