Watch live Sunday June 8th at 12:00 pm ET / 9:00 am PT
Before the ceremony
The two Presidents will arrive at the Vatican within 15/20 minutes of each other (18.15- 18.30).
They will be welcomed at the entrance of the St. Martha Residence by the Holy Father.
The Holy Father will hold a short colloquium with each President.
At the end of the colloquia all three will meet in the St. Martha Hall and the EcumenicalPatriarch will also meet with them. (The Patriarch will be in Rome from Saturday evening).
The four will leave the St. Martha Residence and enter a car.
The car will stop close to the place in which the event takes place. They will walk approximately 50 metres.
The four will all take their places.
The Ceremony (begins at 19.00)
Musical introduction
Reader/guide (English only): explanation of the structure and method of the first three parts of the celebration
First part: Jewish community (in Hebrew) - Prayer (creation)
- Brief musical interlude
- Prayer (invocation for forgiveness)
- Brief musical interlude
- Prayer (invocation for peace)
- Jewish musical meditation
Second part: Christian community
- Prayer (creation) (in English)Brief musical interlude - Prayer (invocation for forgiveness) (in Italian)
- Brief musical interlude
- Prayer (invocation for peace) (in Arabic)
- Christian musical meditation