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S+L in Washington and New York covering Pope Benedict XVI’s Historic Aposotolic Voyage

Matthew Harrison

Monday, April 14, 2008

The United States is gearing up for Pope Benedict XVI’s visit this week, and Salt + Light Television will have extensive coverage beginning with the Holy Father's landing in Washington D-C on Tuesday.
Our own David Naglieri and Kris Dmytrenko will be part of the Papal Press corps and bring us reports from Washington and New York. Be sure to watch for them on our daily update, Zoom! They'll also be blogging throughout the week providing a young person's perspective on this Papal visit. Keep your eye out for David or Kris on some of the major Canadian networks too!
Salt + Light Television CEO Father Thomas Rosica was on CTV's Canada AM Tuesday morning, and he'll also be at the White House when U-S President George W. Bush greets Pope Benedict on Wednesday.
We'll be carrying that welcoming ceremony here on Salt + Light, as well as many other live events including the Papal Masses, the Pontiff’s visit to the United Nations, and a visit to Ground Zero.
Click HERE for a complete listing of our broadcast schedule.
We’re also delighted that the Salt + Light documentary Mission to the UN, as seen Sunday evening on Salt + Light, will reach not only an American audience on Boston Catholic Television and Brooklyn’s Prayer Channel, but also a global audience on EWTN. You can see Mission to the UN on EWTN at the following times:
Wednesday April 16, 12:30 PM ET
(immediately following the White House ceremony on the South Lawn)
Thursday April 17 at 4:00 p.m. ET
(prior to the Pope's arrival at Catholic University of America in DC)
Friday April 18, 9:00 AM ET
(as the Papal flight is en route from DC to NYC and the Pope travels to the UN headquarters)
Our current affairs program, Catholic Focus, which airs daily on Salt + Light at 7pm and 11pm ET is also adopting a Papal theme: on Tuesday Michele looks at Pope John XXIII, on Wednesday we explore charity and Pope Benedict's first encyclical "Deus Caritas Est," on Thursday, Kris and I reflect on our participation in a Catholic social teaching conference hosted by the Holy See Mission to the United Nations -- our filming of this conference eventually became the documentary Mission to the UN. Friday explores Popes and Politics, while on the weekend Fr. Roger Vandenakker joins me in studio for a two part Focus to discuss Pope Benedict's latest encyclical Spe Salvi, 'In Hope We Were Saved.'
It's an exciting week for the Catholic Church in the United States and even in Canada, and we're thrilled to be bringing all the Papal events to our Salt + Light Television viewers! Stay tuned for more!

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