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Silent Witness for the Unborn Today!

Matthew Harrison

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Just a quick reminder about LifeChain today.... this is a very important event for you to support and turn out for if you are available. What is LifeChain? This is from the Archdiocese of Toronto website:
LifeChain is a peaceful and prayerful way to be a witness to Life and Truth, standing an hour with others praying for our nation and for an end to abortion. It is a visual statement of solidarity by the Christian community and people of other faith, that abortion kills children and that the Church supports the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death.
The times vary in Canada, but usually it is held between 2pm-3pm. Check with your parish for your local LifeChain. Or visit the website This is actually an American website, and the United States holds their event on the first weekend of October (which this year is Thanksgiving in Canada!). However, on the Lifechain website there is a side bar with a listing of provinces, click on a province, find your city, and find an intersection to stand at!
And for those of you that cannot attend: set aside the two o'clock hour to pray for the protection of the dignity and sanctity of life.
Let's witness to the sacredness of life!

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