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Distinguished Journalist Award to Scott Pelley of CBS Evening News and 60 Minutes

Salt + Light Media

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

During the inaugural celebration of the new Salt and Light Studio in Toronto on May 25, 2017, CEO Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB, presented the "Distinguished Journalist Award" to Scott Pelley, Anchor of the CBS Evening News and also one of the hosts of 60 Minutes on the CBS network.
Here is Fr. Rosica's citation of Scott Pelley and Scott's thanks for the award, sent by video from CBS headquarters in New York City.
We have also established an award that we wish to bestow each year to a distinguished journalist from the public, secular media. From our earliest days, we have developed close working relationships with the secular media. This has included major television and radio networks as well as print journalists. Among them we have found many colleagues who have manifested professionalism, goodness and great openness to the Church.
This evening we wish to honor one journalist with whom we have worked closely on many Church events and themes, especially over the past four years.
Scott Pelley, one of the most experienced reporters in broadcast journalism, is the anchor and managing editor of the CBS Evening News and a correspondent for 60 Minutes, the most watched news program in America.
Few journalists have made as wide and as deep a mark on a news organization as Pelley has at CBS News. Since joining 60 Minutes in 2004, half of all the major awards won by the broadcast have been for stories reported by Scott Pelley. His colleagues at CBS speak of his competence, human decency, deep respect for each person he meets, goodness and kindness. I can attest to his thorough, honest and excellent coverage of the 2013 Papal transition and his continued coverage of all Vatican topics. Scott has not hidden his deep respect and admiration for Pope Francis.
We at Salt and Light have worked closely with him and his CBS team in various parts of the world over the past years. His personal religious convictions are not buried under the guise of ‘professionalism.’ He is a Christian who serves the cause of truth in the public square.
Tonight it is my pleasure and privilege to present our first “Distinguished Journalist Award” to Scott Pelley of the CSB Evening news.
Unable to be present in Toronto for the ceremony on May 25, Scott sent his thanks to the assembly in this video message, shown above. 

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