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Salt + Light Radio

Deacon Pedro

Friday, February 6, 2009

This past January 24, 2009 at 10:00pm ET, Salt + Light Television took to the airways to spread our Catholic message of hope and inspiration to listeners of XM and Sirius Satellite Radio.
When New York's Cardinal Egan first spoke to our CEO, Fr. Thomas Rosica about the possibility of our partnership with the Catholic Channel, he accepted the challenge immediately. This partnership with the Catholic Channel (Sirius Satellite Radio 159 and XM Radio 117), means that I am now hosting Salt + Light Radio, our new weekly radio program (Saturdays at 10pm ET) to complement our television programs, documentaries and website. This is just one more way that Salt + Light Television will be able to reach out to Catholics and Christians internationally with meaningful new content.
So, S+L on Radio? How does it work? Simple: we hope to do exactly what we do on TV: with reflections, interviews, commentary and music, bring the flavour and light of the Gospel to a world that sometimes seems to have lost its taste and is so often in darkness. Every week we’ll talk about politics, social justice, life issues, theology, faith, anything and everything Catholic, plus Kris Dmytrenko and Michèle Nuzzo join me with news updates and what’s happening in the Canadian Catholic scene – and did I mention music? We’ll play music – in short, if it’s Canadian and Catholic, you’ll hear it on S+L Radio.
So tune in: Salt + Light Radio can be heard weekly every Saturday at 10pm ET, 7pm PT on the Catholic Channel through Sirius 159 or XM 117. If you missed it on radio, you’ll be able to either stream it or download it off our website.

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