My brothers and sisters: In this month of February, Pope Francis invites us to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life. Praying for vocations to priesthood and religious life is not to say that the other kinds of vocations do not matter; rather, it is precisely because not everyone is called to it that those who have chosen to discern this call need our prayers and support. Pope Francis reminds us to welcome the “desires and doubts” of those who are discerning. Having doubts are normal and healthy when we sincerely discern which vocation God is calling us to; there is no need to dismiss them as if they are a threat to the vocation. Rather, we can use them as an entry point to a deeper conversation, to see what kind of fear and unfreedom may lie underneath. Desiring to love and serve the Lord through these vocations is wonderful; oftentimes, these desires need to be purified: Initially, we may want the right things for the wrong reasons. Let us nevertheless welcome those desires, but use them as a starting point for further purification. Finally, I invite you all to look at the people in your parish, your church groups; they can even be your family members or relatives. Who amongst them would make good priests or religious? Be bold and ask whether they have ever considered such vocations. We are being asked questions all the time; why not this one? Research has shown that it often takes at least 3 “asks” by others for young people to consider a priestly or religious vocation. Rather than simply praying that it will happen without our involvement, we actually have a concrete role to play. May God bless you today. Watch previous Pray with Pope Francis videos here.