In honor of the 350th anniversary of Notre-Dame de Québec, a pontifical high mass will be celebrated by His Eminence Cardinal Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino, Archbishop of San Cristobal de la Habana. Full details can be found below in an invitation made on August 26, 2014 by Cardinal Gerald C. Lacroix of the Notre-Dame de Québec.
Quebec City
August 26, 2014
Cardinal Gerald C. Lacroix invites the population to listen to the message that Pope Francis wants to share with us during a pontifical high mass that will be presided by His Eminence Cardinal Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino, Archbishop of San Cristóbal de la Habana, in the presence of Canadian Bishops.
What is a pontifical mass?
A Pontifical Mass is celebrated by the Pope or his special envoy to personally represent the Pope in his actions and his words.
Why a pontifical high mass to celebrate the 350th Anniversary?
Pope Francis recognizes the historical role played by the Notre-Dame de Québec, first parish in North America north of the old Spanish colonies. For this reason, he granted it the privilege of having the 7th Holy Door in the world. In the same spirit, he acknowledged the beginning of the Jubilee on December 8, 2013, during the Angelus prayer on St. Peter Square in Rome.
Notre-Dame de Québec is at the centre of the of the Catholic Church expansion in North America. The parish has been a key element of the French language survival in North America and a living testimonial of all the cultural mutations that shaped our society. It eventually became a part of a diocese that once was the largest in the world. Notre-Dame de Québec is a spiritual site of high importance, a catalyst of our culture and the cradle of our society.
Canadian Bishops
Exceptionally, on the occasion of the 350th Anniversary, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) will hold its annual Plenary Assembly in Quebéc City. After the Second Vatican Council (1962–65), the CCCB became part of a worldwide network of Episcopal Conferences, established in 1965, as an integral part of the life of the universal Church. CCCB members include over 100 Bishops, Bishops Emeritus and Cardinals. On September 14, many Bishops will co-celebrate the Solemn Mass with Cardinal Jaime Lucas Ortega y Alamino.
Following a tradition of creativity
Since its foundation, Notre-Dame de Québec has always encouraged artists and craftsmen, especially in the field of music. Guillaume Boulay, the parish young Music Director, composed the Grande Messe Notre-Dame de Québec, inspired by Quebéc folk music, as colligated by Ernest Gagnon in the 1880s.
The mass will be created during the pontifical high mass by the Chœur des Rhapsodes, directed by Mr. David Rompré and accompanied by the organist Marc d’Anjou. Guillaume Boulay will direct the assembly.
General informations
In preparation for this great celebration, the basilica-cathedral will be closed Saturday, September 13. On September 14, the church will open at 1:00 PM. The mass will be broadcasted live on a giant screen in front of the basilica-cathedral. Traffic will be forbidden on place de l’Hôtel de Ville in order to allow as much people as possible to attend the celebration. The mass will also be webcasted live on and
Our partners
The 350th Anniversary of Notre-Dame de Québec, from December 8, 2013 to December 28, 2014, would not be possible without the generous contribution of the Knights of Columbus American and Canadian Chapters, the Dallaire Group, the City of Québec, Nostre Dame de Kebec Patrimonial Foundation, the Bureau de la Capitale nationale, Heritage Canada, the Commission de la capitale nationale and Québec Tourism Office, not to mention the valuable support of our religious communities partners and the collaboration of Radio-Canada and Journal Le Soleil (Gesca Group).