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Mother’s Day

Gillian Kantor

Monday, January 7, 2008

On Set with producer Gillian Kantor, host Rhea Joyner, Camerman Wally Tello, Camera Assistant David LeRossMoms… we all have one. They birth us, feed us, love us, clothe us, fix us, teach us, move us, encourage us, and comfort us. And what do we do in return? Well, hopefully more than send them a card on just one day of the year.
At Salt + Light Television, we decided we would trump card manufacturers and their “one-day-a-year” card-selling extravaganza. We decided that mothers need a lot more love and respect and encouragement than that. Everyday, we considered, should be mother’s day, and moms should know from the moment they wake up that they are being supported by the faith in everything they are called to do as mother. Everyday should be mother’s day, and each of us should know we are offered guidance and much love from our Holy Mother Mary. Every day should be mother’s day, because we have so much to learn from the big heart and gentle wisdom and laughter of moms.
So, starting in January, we’re bringing you a piece of Mother’s Day every Wednesday with our newest series, Mothering, Full of Grace.
With discussion groups, family interviews, expert advice, and talks between couples, we’re bringing women together, initiating conversation, sharing ideas on how to take on this huge job of being a mom, and putting faith as the first priority for family. We’ve packed a lot of information into each show, but our host, Rhea Johner, guides us through each episode and offers prayers and ideas on the way.
A clip from the Mothering: Full of Grace discussion group
As producer, I am so excited to share this program with you. Through the whole process – from researching to writing scripts to editing – I have met so many wonderful women, all approaching their role of mom from the perspective of the faith. They honestly talk about the struggles and challenges of motherhood but also how they can turn to the Church and its Sacraments for strength and a good push forward.
One thing about asking moms to be on television – this was a lot different than other shows I’ve worked on, like Word for Word, where authors are willing to be on camera to promote their book. Moms aren’t ready to promote their product – the fact that they are good, hard-working, faith-filled women. So I had to work around their excuses to avoid the camera, like, “But I’m not a perfect mom!” Good, I would say. This isn’t a show telling women how to do their job, how to take care of their children, or how to get dinner on the table while a gleaming white kitchen sparkles around them. But it is a show that suggests Mary’s example will be a good start for how to approach motherhood. And it is a show that gets moms talking about how they can help each other. And it is a show that celebrates mothers and what they do. Every day.
You can watch the premier of Mothering: Full of Grace on Salt + Light Television at the end of January.

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