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Martyrs of Compiègne on an all-new Catholic Focus

Deacon Pedro

Thursday, May 23, 2013

No one should go out of their way to look for martyrdom, but Christ did say that following him does mean embracing the Cross. However, little did a group of 18th century French Carmelite nuns realize that their commitment to follow Christ would also be considered a crime.
Deacon Pedro visits the Canadian Opera Company and then speaks with Fr. Jay Comerford, O.Carm and Sr. Agnes Roger, Carmel DCJ, to learn about Carmelite spirituality and about the martyrdom of the Carmelites of Compiègne in an all-new Catholic Focus.
Photo credit: Dialogues des Carmélites (Canadian Opera Company, 2013)
(front, l – r) Hélène Guilmette as Sister Constance and Isabel Bayrakdarian as Blanche de la Force in the Canadian Opera Company’s production of Dialogues des Carmélites, 2013.

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