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Martha, Mary has chosen the better part.

Cheridan Sanders

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Today the Salt + Light team attended mass at a local chapel, just off Copacabana beach. As Fr. James Phalan, CSC, Director of Family Rosary International, joyfully remarked at the beginning of this English-speaking mass, usually about seventy people attend, but today was well beyond capacity with standing room only! And it was good. It was good to be gathered together.
The enthusiasm as we sang and prayed together was palpable. Full participation in mass is one of the hallmarks of World Youth Day gatherings, and my heart sighed with contentment. Together we sang, rejoiced and praised God for his goodness. As today's Gospel reminds us, maybe we all play the role of Martha too much in our eagerness to prepare for the Lord.
But now, this World Youth Day, I am reminded once again that I am called to model myself after Mary who has chosen the better part, as she sits at the foot of the Lord, inclining her ear to listen to the Word of God. This is the time be open to providence.

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