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Pope's celebration of Corpus Christi live on Thursday

Matthew Harrison

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What is the precise significance of today's Solemnity, of the Body and Blood of Christ? The answer is given to us in the fundamental actions of this celebration we are carrying out: first of all we gather around the altar of the Lord, to be together in his presence; secondly, there will be the procession, that is walking with the Lord; and lastly, kneeling before the Lord, adoration, which already begins in the Mass and accompanies the entire procession but culminates in the final moment of the Eucharistic Blessing when we all prostrate ourselves before the One who stooped down to us and gave his life for us.
- Pope Benedict XVI's Homily, Solemnity of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, May 2008
This weekend the Church in North America celebrates the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, Corpus Christi.
In many parts of the world though -- including Rome -- the feast is celebrated on Thursday.
Join us Thursday, June 23rd at 1:00pm ET for a live broadcast of Holy Mass and the Eucharistic procession. Pope Benedict XVI will be the main celebrant, and lead the procession. Held in the evening in Rome, it is a beautiful Mass with a stunning candlelight procession at dusk.
If you miss the live broadcast, catch the encore in the evening at 8:00pm ET / 9:00pm PT.
CNS Photo/Paul Haring

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