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K-of-C: Supreme Knight Address

Matthew Harrison

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

kofc-carlanderson-report.jpgSupreme Knight Carl Anderson presented his annual report at the Knights of Columbus convention on Tuesday. Click HERE to read through the report -- which is well organized and easily read on the Knights' website. (it's available in PDF format HERE)
In addition to the interesting history of the Knights in Quebec, I found the Faithful Citizenship - Faithful Fatherhood section to be particularly striking. Mr. Anderson made some important comments about abortion, Morgantaler, Catholic voters, and the civilization of love. The introduction of the Fathers For Good program is exciting too. It provides an encouraging resource for fathers, and for men as well. It's something that is desperately needed, as we live in a climate that often portrays fathers as fools and does little to encourage responsible fatherhood.
There is also a very interesting section highlighting the contributions of the Knights. Aside from all the impressive financial numbers the statistic that stood out for me was the nearly 69 million hours of volunteer service. 69 million hours! The commitment to their communities is incredible, and it is certainly a commitment that has taken the Gospel and put it into action!
You may also wish to visit the official Knights of Columbus website which has plenty of information and pictures from the 126th Supreme Convention. Click HERE for that.
Photo courtesy of Knights of Columbus

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