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Praying the Rosary one video at a time

Alicia Ambrosio

Thursday, July 7, 2011

As we close in on the one month mark here in Madrid things are getting busier, crazier, and more intense.
[singlepic id=42 w=220 float=right]The only thing that will keep us in working order (aside from proper sleep and nutrition) is prayer.
The team at Holy Cross Family Ministries foresaw this event and back in May launched a campaign called Firm in the Faith with Mary to get people praying the rosary every Sunday for World Youth Day.
The time has arrived to kick that campaign into high gear.
Visiting the Firm in the Faith website visitors will find a banner that says "The WebCam Rosary" and a big red button that says "REC."
Clicking on the big red button allows you to record a three minute video of yourself either praying the rosary in your own language (or form...anyone out there ever sing the Rosary?) or share what the Rosary means to you or perhaps your favorite place to pray the Rosary.
The video is then uploaded onto the Firm in the Faith website for others to watch and pray along or be inspired.
To record your own three minute rosary video visit
Read more of Alicia's WYD blogs on the WYD Madrid website here.

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