On October 10, Pope Francis opened the synod on synodality, beginning now and culminating in 2023. A “synod on synodality” may sound like mouthful but what it means concretely is that the entire Church is embarking on an unprecedented journey of renewal, starting at the grassroots level. And this journey needs you!
In reality, it's a
new Pentecost of coming together to become the Church that God calls us to be at this crucial turning point in the history of humanity.
So how does it work?
All over the world, people will start gathering this month, in their parishes, Catholic groups, and dioceses, to have their voices heard and to listen to one another.
The main question of this synod is:
A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, “journeys together.” How is this “journeying together” happening today in your local Church? What steps does the Holy Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our “journeying together”?
In other words, what are the joys, challenges, highlights, and lowlights of our journey together as Christians in the world today? And how is the Holy Spirit calling us to move forward together, as pilgrims on the same journey, serving humanity as God wants us to?
The goal is to involve as many people as possible in this worldwide process of intentional listening. But it doesn't stop at listening to each other. Through our experience of listening to one another, the aim is to hear what the Holy Spirit has to say to all of us.
This is because God does not speak from a megaphone on high. Rather, He sows seeds in our hearts that are watered as we gather together as a Church. By walking together, we are able to go out into the world to bear fruit in society, in our families, in the workplace, and across humanity.
So don't miss out on this opportunity to let your voice be heard, as we journey towards the Church that God wants us to be for tomorrow and today. Everyone has a part to play. In this way, the Church is like a puzzle – each piece is necessary, otherwise something is missing.
Ask your parish or diocese how you can get involved! And if nothing is already planned, why not take the initiative to gather together a group to reflect and share!
This is too good of an opportunity not to take part! Who knows what the Holy Spirit will be able to do in us if we just give Him a little space in our hearts and in our communities! The path towards a new Pentecost for the Church and the world begins with you and me.
Come, Holy Spirit, fill our hearts, bring us together, and renew Your Church for the life of the world.