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How to make decisions with the Holy Spirit? | Synod on Synodality

Julian Paparella

Friday, November 8, 2024

Wood carving of a dove with stars radiating outwards
Detail from the pulpit of St. Anne's Church, Bruges, Belgium. Wikimedia Commons.
How do you usually make decisions? Do you feel a huge weight on your shoulders when you have a big decision to make in life? 
Oftentimes, we can feel all alone before the enormity of the choices we face in life. When we’re young we may ask ourselves, what do I want to do with my life? Later on, we may ask ourselves what neighbourhood would be a good place to raise a family, or how to raise our kids. Later on, questions about our health, down-sizing, when to retire, and how to spend our retirement. Of course, there are also the daily choices to make about how we treat people we don’t know, how much time we spend with our loved ones, whether we try to think positively or let ourselves get submerged in the problems in our own lives and also in the world. 
The first-ever Synod in the life of the Church was the Council of Jerusalem; it’s recounted in the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 15. After the apostles deliberated, they came to the following conclusion: “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.” They were aware that the same Spirit who had come upon them at Pentecost was now helping them make fruitful decisions, guiding the Church on its pilgrim way. Synodality is not merely a public opinion poll. It’s not just a local town hall meeting. It is listening together to the Holy Spirit to be able to make decisions with the Spirit, in the Spirit, guided by the Spirit. This is a promising way forward not only for the Church as a whole, but also for each one of us as believers: listening to the Holy Spirit to make decisions with the Holy Spirit.
It doesn’t mean that God makes the decisions for us or overrides our freedom to choose. A well-known pop song asks Jesus to “take the wheel.” But God never kicks us out of the car as if to take our place. Rather, the Holy Spirit whispers words of wisdom, draws our attention to something essential, disposes our hearts to see what is best in God’s eyes. Pope Francis has said that the Holy Spirit is the real protagonist of the Synod and of the Church. But the Holy Spirit can also be the protagonist of our lives. We can share the reins with the Spirit, letting the Spirit’s wind breathe in our sails.
The Working Document for the second session of the Synod on Synodality tells us that:
The Spirit with whom Jesus was filled and who led him (Luke 4:1), who anointed him and sent him out to proclaim the Gospel (4:18), who raised him from the dead (Romans 8:11) is the same Spirit who now anoints the members of the People of God. This Spirit makes us children and heirs of God, and it is through the Spirit that we cry out to God, calling him ‘Abba! Father!’” (#22).
The Holy Spirit puts us in touch with our deepest identity as sons and daughters of God. The Spirit inspires us to take the Father’s hand and let him lead us forward.
How is the Holy Spirit stirring in you, awakening you to something new in your life? What new steps is God calling you to take through the quiet, still voice of the Holy Spirit? The voice of the Holy Spirit is trustworthy, it is deeply consoling, it brings peace, and inspires hope. The Holy Spirit brings different dimensions of our life into harmony, offers us healing, and opens up a path forward amidst the challenges and obstacles we face.  
Ultimately, the Holy Spirit leads us forward on the path towards the Kingdom of God, which – as St. Paul tells us – is a Kingdom of “justice, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17). Letting the Holy Spirit speak to us as we make decisions in life is a way of letting God’s Kingdom take root in our lives here and now. Listening to the Holy Spirit allows God to sow seeds of the Kingdom in our lives and bear the fruit that the Holy Spirit brings.
Come, Holy Spirit, Spirit of justice, peace, and joy. Bring us Your consolation, Your tenderness, and Your light. Speak to our hearts and lead our steps in life on the path towards the Kingdom. Amen.

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