Our viewers will certainly recognize the bride.
Mary Rose Bacani has been with Salt + Light since it's beginning some six years ago and has been involved in many of our viewer's favourite productions: the Holy Land documentary
Journey of Hope,
Beloved: The Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, the Virtues project
The World I Know, countless
Catholic Focuses, and many other productions.
Though many viewers will probably not recognize the groom, you would definitely recognize his work.
Richard Valenti is one of our senior editors and a creative powerhouse. He's worked on
A Hand of Peace: Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust, In Your Faith, 64 Days with the Ark, and countless other productions. An incredibly talented artist, he is our key graphic designer for documentaries and productions, and his artistic print is all over our network!
From all of us at Salt + Light, we extend our prayers and congratulations to the both of you, Mary Rose and Richard, and wish you a beautiful, blessed, fruitful, and grace-filled marriage!