This weekend Salt + Light's Pedro Guevara Mann was ordained a permanent deacon for the Archdiocese of Toronto.
Bishop Vincent Ngyuen celebrated the Mass and performed the ordination of 14 men to the permanent diaconate at Toronto's St. Michael's Cathedral. Pedro said he was drawn to the idea of the permanent diaconate as a young boy in Panama, watching the permanent deacon who served in his home parish. Through his work at Salt + Light Pedro worked closely with permanent deacons and realized he was being called to this ministry.
For more on the permanent diaconate visit the
Archdiocese of Toronto webpage about this ministry.
Congratulations to Deacon Pedro and his family from all of the Salt + Light family.
Our congratulations also go out to our associate producer Cheridan Eygelaar who was married this weekend to Matthew Sanders. The wedding also took place at St. Michael's Cathedral, just hours after the deaconal ordinations.