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Coast to Coast: August 9 to August 15

Alicia Ambrosio

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Here is a look at some of what has been going on across Canada this week, church-wise. Also, the month of August brings us the feast of The Ascension and with it an assortment of Marian pilgrimages and celebrations.
First up, in Vancouver the Eparch Emeritus of the Ukrainian Eparchy of New Westminster (the Ukrainian Catholic diocese in Vancouver)  reflects on his 60 years of priestly ministry.
In Alberta, one woman shares how a yearly pilgrimage to Lac Ste. Anne healed her, though not in the way one might expect.
Since the release of the Papal Encyclical on Human Ecology, there has been a push to try to understand exactly what the pope’s teaching should mean in the daily lives of Catholics. Toronto’s Catholic Register offers this look.
August is the time for Marian pilgrimages. Here are some diocesan pilgrimages happening across the country over the next few weeks:
Out west, the Archdiocese of Vancouver is making pilgrimage to the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes in Mission, B.C. Saturday August 15. If you are in the area, stop by between 10:00am and 4:00pm. Archbishop Michael Miller will celebrate Mass at 1pm.
In Alberta, the Skaro Shrine (also a replica Lourdes Grotto) hosts a weekend of activities beginning Friday, August 14 with a vespers service. On Saturday August 15 Mass will be celebrated at the grotto, followed by a Eucharistic procession.
In Winnipeg the Marian celebration takes place on September 5 in Polonia, Manitoba. at St. Elizabeth Church. Archbishop Richard Gagnon will celebrate Mass with the faithful on that day.
In Toronto, a Marian celebration honouring Our Lady of Kibeho and St. Josephine Bakhita is being held August 21 at Midland Martyr’s Shrine.
And the Archdiocese of Halifax-Yarmouth celebrates the Feast of the Assumption in a very special way this year: with the ordination of a new priest. Archbishop Anthony Mancini ordains James O’Connor to the priesthood at 10:30 am on August 15 at St. Mary’s Cathedral.  

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