What is the purpose of Faith Day? You can tune into Salt + Light tonight, Friday November 9th at 7pm and 11pm ET, for a special Catholic Focus -- "Catholic Educators: Celebrating Their Faith." This episode captures Wednesday's Faith Day events, looks at questions such as the future challenges of Catholic education and the responsibilities of Catholic educators. We speak to DPCDSB Director of Education John Kostoff, keynote speaker Sister Miriam Martin, Archbishop Thomas Collins and Ukrainian Eparch Stephen Chmilar. We chat with DPCDSB's Religion and Family Life Consultant Wendy Bodsworth about "Virtues," also get reaction to the day from attendees.

More than a year in planning, and over seven thousand people in attendance, Faith Day was a huge event offering the opportunity to reflect and celebrate Catholic education. Tune into Catholic Focus tonight and take the time to consider the importance of Ontario's Catholic educational system.