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Cardinal Daniel DiNardo's invocation at Knights of Columbus States Dinner

Salt + Light Media

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Invocation of Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston at the State Dinner of the 131st Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus in San Antonio, Texas, August 6, 2013
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Creator of all things, God of Mercy and Consolation, Protector of all who trust in you, in the fullness of time you sent your Eternal Word, Your Son to live among us and save us from sin and death. Conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the ever blessed Virgin Mary He is the Anointed One who announces Good News to those near and those far off. His death and Resurrection is our strong protection as we journey to you.
Look with favor on all those gathered here for this 131st Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus. Give your strength to this Assembly of Knights, to our Supreme Knight and the Supreme Council, to our representatives from every country and state, to every agent and member, to all in the Americas, Europe and Asia who have found solidarity and renewed vigor in faith by adhering to the vision and pledge of the Knights of Columbus. Bless our bishops, priests, deacons and religious. Bless the wives and families of all members. Bless the squires and all children and young people who see good grounds for their practice of the Catholic Faith in our Order and its activities. Bless the beautiful city and region of San Antonio and its hospitable people.
Aided by the prayers of Venerable Fr. Michael McGivney, our Founder, may we show ourselves the protectors of all God’s gifts to us, of religious liberty, of the gift of marriage, and most of all, protectors and defenders of the gift of human life. In communion with Francis our Pope, may we be bold in faith, assured in hope and compassionate in charity — in God’s love. United today with Jesus Christ on the mountain of transfiguration, may we be witnesses of Jesus and look and only see Jesus as our one Savior and Protector. In Scripture and the Breaking of the Bread, may we deepen our friendship and unity with Him and with the Church, all to your glory. May we show utter fidelity to you, and, like St. Joseph, for everything that has been entrusted to our protection, may we be responsible!
Now in company with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and all the saints, let us pray our grace for the food, nourishment and solidarity given to us:  Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive from thy bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(CNS Photo / courtesy Catholic University of America)

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