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Can a mission country help spread the good news?

Carlos Ferreira

Friday, September 7, 2012

As Catholics, there are countries we always think of as places where the missionaries go to take the good news to those who don’t know Christ. But can those countries evangelize the world?
Looking at countries like India, where Catholics represent less than 4% of the population, there are movements like Jesus Youth that are taking the Catholic faith to other parts of the world. The ones who were once evangelized are now evangelizing others.
If we think about it, this is the mission of every Christian. It started with Abraham to whom God said, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” (Gen.12:1) and continued with Christ when he said “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). God indicated to us that we need to reach out to others, to leave our comfort zone and take the message of Christ to all around the world.
This week on Perspectives: The Weekly Edition, Deacon Pedro speaks with George Devassy of the Jesus Youth Movement to tell us how a mission country like India helps to evangelize the world.
Join us for this discussion, tonight on Perspectives Weekly at 7 and 11pm ET / 8pm PT. In the meantime, take part in the discussion on Facebook.

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