Following the celebration of the Eucharist in the Holy Cross Chapel, Bishop Crosby, Msgr. Leo and Fr. Rosica lead the assembly around the office for the blessing of our new headquarters:
Standing at in the chapel, Bishop Crosby says:
Let us pray.
God, who sanctify the places dedicated to Your name, pour out Your grace on this Chapel of the Holy Cross that commemorates the blessings poured out upon Canada through World Youth Day 2002.
May all who come here to pray encounter the Lord Jesus who invited us to be salt and light, and to bring the flavor of the Gospel and the Light of Christ to our nation and to the world.
We pray with gratitude for the Gagliano family who made this place possible through their great generosity.
We ask this in the name of Christ our Lord.
All Sing: “Laudate, omnes gentes”
The Bishop leads group to the Master Control area.

Bishop Crosby:
Lord God, the only source of knowledge and wisdom, who were pleased so to enlighten our resourcefulness, bless this area and all those who labor here.
Bless the equipment that helps to bring images, stories and messages of hope to Canada and to the world.
Send your Spirit of wisdom, attentiveness, prudence and creativity into those who are responsible for sharing the message of Salt and Light with the world.
Protect them from harm and keep them safe in your love and truth.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
All Sing: “Laudate, omnes gentes”
The Bishop leads group to the Fr. Michael McGivney Studio.

Bishop Crosby:
Almighty God, Father of all light, Maker of the world, who has made us in your image, seers and makers: send us chosen messengers and teachers, lovers of worship and art, who will restore with chaste and noble works the beauty of your house!
We pray in gratitude for the Knights of Columbus who have made the Fr. Michael McGivney Studio possible for us.
May all who labor here teach us to see with pure hearts the splendor of your Son Jesus Christ and to express what we have seen in images worthy of so great a vision: through the same Jesus Christ, your Son, your Logos, your Art and your Splendor, in whom all things subsist and through whom, by the power of the Holy Spirit, all are called to be united with you forever. AMEN.
All Sing: “Laudate, omnes gentes”
The Bishop leads group to the Weston Production Department.

Bishop Crosby:
Hear us, holy Lord and Father, almighty everlasting God, and in Your goodness send Your holy angel from heaven to watch over and protect all who are employed here.
Shield and free them from every injury of body and soul.
Fill the writers, producers, editors, staff and administrators with the spirit of wisdom, prudence, and strength, so that they may faithfully observe the precepts of the Church, and thus use their vocation for Your glory and for the benefit of their brothers and sisters.
Form these women and men into witnesses of justice and peace, joy and hope, goodness and truth.
We thank you for the Weston family whose generosity has made this area possible. Lord Jesus, who are the way, the truth, and the life, bless this place, and grant, through the intercession of the glorious Virgin Mary, Your Mother, St. Joseph her spouse,of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, patron of this network and St. John Paul II, its inspiration, that all who are employed here may work for the greater glory of your Name.
We ask this of You who are God, living and reigning forever and ever.
All Sing: “Laudate, omnes gentes”
The Bishop leads all to the entrance lobby of Salt and Light Television.

Fr. Rosica prays the first section of the prayer:
Lord God of heaven and earth, you revealed your only begotten Son to every nation by the guidance of a star. We pray here at the portal of Salt and Light Television with gratitude for the support of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, and most especially with deep gratitude for Bishop Douglas Crosby and the people of the Diocese of Hamilton, whose great generosity has helped make our new home a reality.
Bishop Crosby:
Lord God, I ask you to bless the headquarters of Salt and Light Television, all who work here and all who will visit this place.
May they blessed with health, kindness of heart, gentleness and the keeping of your law.
Fill them with the light of Christ, that their love for each other may go out to all.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Rosica:
Together let us recite the Salt and Light Prayer in English and French:
Salt and Light Prayer (ENGLISH)
God our Father,
on a hillside in Galilee,
your Son Jesus called us to be the salt of the earth
and the light of the world.
Give us the strength and wisdom
to become the people of the Beatitudes
in our day, so that our words may
season the world with the flavour of the Gospel
and our lives be shining examples of Jesus
who is the true Light of the world.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Prière Sel + Lumière (FRANCAIS)
Dieu notre Père,
Sur une montagne en Galilée,
Ton Fils Jésus nous a appelés à être le
sel de la terre et la lumière du monde.
Donne-nous la force et la sagesse pour
devenir le peuple des Béatitudes de notre temps.
Que nos paroles apportent au monde
une saveur d’Évangile et que nos vies
soient de brillants exemples de Jésus,
Lui qui est la vraie Lumière du Monde.
Nous te le demandons par Jésus-Christ
notre Seigneur. Amen.
All Sing: “Laudate, omnes gentes”