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Bishops reaffirm their confidence in Development and Peace

Cheridan Sanders

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Permanent Council of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops released a statement regarding the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace.
Below find their statement:
Meeting in Ottawa this 15-16 June, the Permanent Council of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) reaffirmed their confidence in the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP). The CCCB Plenary Assembly last October also made a similar reaffirmation.
The Bishops of Canada founded Development and Peace. They have always been involved with it by the presence of their episcopal delegates on the CCODP National Council. The Bishops are proud of the work accomplished by Development and Peace over the past 40 years, and want to ensure its survival and mission for many years to come.
The Bishops of Canada have wanted, and still want, Development and Peace to be an organization led by lay men and women. They want Development and Peace to continue its mission as a non-governmental organization dedicated to the development of countries in the Global South, as well as to popular education for the Church communities in Canada.
As has also happened over the past 40 years, certain questions have been raised during recent months about how this organization carries out its mission. A dialogue on this has already begun, involving Development and Peace and the CCCB Standing Committee on CCODP. The Permanent Council is confident that this dialogue will provide responses to these questions and assist Development and Peace to continue its mission with serenity.

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