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And God saw that it was good...

Deacon Pedro

Friday, November 30, 2012

Most of us are concerned for the environment. Politicians, organizations and celebrities are constantly urging us to get “greener” and challenge us to “act more responsibly.” It seems that nothing today is more important than the need to take better care of our planet.
On the other hand, another movement is gaining strength: Persons who claim that these concerns are unfounded and nothing but fear-mongering. These people refuse to be “guilted” or scared into action, and criticize this new “religion” as alarmist and extremist with a following of hypocrites.
But between both groups lie the majority: Ordinary people like you and me who are caught in the middle, wondering who to believe and what to do.
The good news is that these two extremes do not represent the full picture. There is another piece to the puzzle, one that presents us with a clear, concise and hope-filled truth; the truth that sees all creation as good, full of dignity and deserving of our care.
Energized by these thoughts, several years ago, Salt + Light Television ventured on a journey with the Environmental Science and Studies Department of the University Of St. Thomas in Houston.  We led with a simple question: What does it mean to be a Catholic environmentalist?
And so was born CREATION, a six-part series that aims to present this-age-old, third option of looking at our environment from the point of view of the Catholic Church and the point of view of God’s design.
CREATION begins with the notion that all creation is good. The series asks the question "why should we care for the environment?" and will take you on a journey from the created world, to the human person, through concepts of respect and stewardship, teachings of Church Fathers, to specific environmental problems.
This Sunday, December 2nd (with a re-broadcast on Wednesday, December 9th) at 9pm ET, we begin with the very first episode: Sense of Wonder. You will meet Sr. Damien Marie Savino, head of the Environmental Science and Studies at UST, and without whom this series would not be possible. You'll also meet several other professors, scientists and lovers of art and the created world, who help us understand where this call to care the environment comes from.
Why should we care for the environment? In order to answer this question, we begin by travelling to Houston, to see where it leads us.
Tune in on December 2nd and find out.

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