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An A-Ha Moment at Lectio Divina

Matthew Harrison

Saturday, January 24, 2009

archcollins-lectiojan09.jpg“Let love be genuine!” proclaimed Archbishop Collins thrusting his finger in the air… it was an 'a-ha' moment for me. It felt as if that passage of Scripture was new, and something that I had never heard before. Stressing the word genuine, Toronto's chief shepherd spoke with conviction, with boldness. It seemed like an obvious statement, an obvious passage... but the words penetrated my heart deeper than they had before. It was one of those special moments from Lectio Divina – that wonderful monthly gathering that the Archbishop hosts in downtown Toronto’s St. Michael’s Cathedral.
Continuing with the Year of St. Paul theme, the Archbishop was reflecting on Romans 12: 1-13 and Romans 13: 8-14. This ‘let love be genuine,’ was just one of many passages that His Grace offered for the faithful to reflect upon. Lectio Divina, of course, is not a Catechesis, or a Q&A, or even a Bible Study… it’s a time of reflection and contemplation on the Word of God. It’s a time to dialogue with God through Scripture, to let Him touch our hearts. It’s a time to sit quietly and experience those ‘a-ha’ moments.
Join us for this month's broadcast edition of Lectio Divina with Archbishop Thomas Collins: A Year with St. Paul, this Sunday, January 25th at 9pm ET or catch the encore presentation at 8pm ET on Wednesday, January 28th. The 'a-ha' moments await!

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