The Fountain of Love and Life series, which airs in Canada through Salt + Light Television and Fairchild Television, and in Boston through Catholic Television, is produced mainly by volunteers numbering 150 in the Toronto area and 70 in Vancouver. This new office in Richmond Hill will now be a centre for prayer meetings, and formation for the Fountain of Love and Life Ministry.
I’ve written numerous blogs about Fountain of Love and Life because their dedication and perseverance never cease to amaze me. In fact, I did an interview with Paul Yeung and Bonny Chan, two members of the core team, about the history and impact of Fountain of Love and Life. It’s pretty exciting! Watch out for my
Catholic Focus episode entitled
Fountain of Love and Life: Behind the Scenes, which will air on S+L on February 24th at 7 and 11 pm ET.
To find out more information about Fountain of Love and Life, and to watch their programs on-line (which have English and Chinese subtitles, by the way), go to Check out my
Zoom story on the office blessing by watching the
January 19th report here.