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Happy 3rd Anniversary, Pope Francis!

Salt + Light Media

Sunday, March 13, 2016

S+L Producers and Hosts Alicia Ambrosio and Sebastian Gomes reflect on the night Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio was elected Pope Francis, the 265th successor of Peter and the "Servant to the Servants of God".  From the entire staff of S+L, thank you Pope Francis for your courageous and prophetic ministry!  We want you to know that we're praying for you, and that we wish you many more years of health and happiness!  May God bless you!
Prayer for Pope Francis:
Lord our God,
We thank you for always providing shepherds to guide the Church.
We thank you most especially for Francis,
the one you have chosen to be our chief shepherd
and guide at this moment in history.
Bless him with health and vision, boldness and courage,
wisdom and compassion, and boundless joy and hope.
Make him an instrument of your peace, compassion and mercy,
In your mercy you called Francis and you call each of us
to cling to Jesus, the rock of fidelity and truth.
May Pope Francis inspire us to be better Christians,
faithful Catholics and architects and citizens
of the civilization of love that your son entrusted to us.
We ask this in Jesus’ name, who lives with you forever and ever.

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