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“These will be days marked by adoration and prayer in the heart of Europe.” — Pope Francis on his apostolic visit to Budapest and Slovakia From Sunday, September 12 to Wednesday, September 15, Pope Francis will pay an apostolic visit to Budapest and Slovakia, centring around the theme of “Mary and Joseph on the way to Jesus”. Join the Holy Father on his 34th apostolic visit abroad by tuning in to Salt + Light TV. Find the full broadcast schedule below.


Sunday, September 12 12:00 pm ET Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Budapest begins: Meeting With Ecumenical Council of Churches and Hungarian Jewish Communities — Budapest
1:00 pm ET Holy Mass for the 52nd International Eucharistic Congress — Budapest
4:00 pm ET Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Slovakia begins: Ecumenical Meeting at the Apostolic Nunciature — Bratislava
Monday, September 13 11:30 am ET Meeting With Authorities, Civil Society, and the Diplomatic Corps in the Garden of the Presidential Palace — Bratislava
12:30 pm ET Meeting With Bishops, Priests, Religious, Consecrated Persons, Seminarians, and Catechists at the Cathedral of Saint Martin — Bratislava
1:30 pm ET Meeting With the Jewish Community at Rybné Námestie Square — Bratislava
Tuesday, September 14 11:30 am ET Byzantine Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom in the Square of the Mestská Športová Hala — Prešov
2:00 pm ET Meeting With the Roma Community at Luník IX District — Košice
2:30 pm ET Meeting With Young People at Lokomotiva Stadium — Košice
Wednesday, September 15 11:30 am ET Holy Mass at the National Shrine — Šaštin
TV schedule is subject to change without notice.


E1 | The Cradle of Civilization

E1 | The Cradle of Civilization - 0

As we prepare for the visit, Deacon Pedro Guevara Mann learns about the Church in Iraq and about the Christian persecution in the region with Bishop Bawai Soro, Chaldean Bishop of Canada and Msgr. Peter Vaccari, President of Catholic Near East Welfare Association.
E2 | You Are All Brothers and Sisters

E2 | You Are All Brothers and Sisters - 1

Continuing to prepare for the visit, Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann speaks with the Archbishop of Erbil, Bashar Warda and with Stephen Rasche of the Cathoilic University in Erbil about the details and purpose of Pope Francis’ historic visit.
E3 | Pope Francis’ Apostolic Visit to Iraq: A Woven Tapestry

E3 | Pope Francis’ Apostolic Visit to Iraq: A Woven Tapestry - 2

Deacon Pedro Guevara-Mann and a panel of experts, Fr. Dominic Robinson and John Pontifex of Aid to the Church in Need, UK, and Stephen Rasche of the Catholic University in Erbil, look at the highlights of the pope’s historic visit.
Holy Mass from the “Franso Hariri” Stadium: Erbil

Holy Mass from the “Franso Hariri” Stadium: Erbil - 3

On Sunday, March 7, as his historic apostolic visit to Iraq draws to a close, Pope Francis celebrated Mass for the Third Sunday of Lent with thousands of Iraqi faithful in Franso Hariri Stadium in the northern city of Erbil.
Prayer of Suffrage for Victims of War: Mosul

Prayer of Suffrage for Victims of War: Mosul - 4

At Hosh al-Bieaa (Church Square) in Mosul, surrounded by the obliterated remains for four churches, His Holiness prayed this prayer for the victims of war.
Visit to the Church of the Immaculate Conception: Qaraqosh

Visit to the Church of the Immaculate Conception: Qaraqosh - 5

From the Church of Immaculate Conception.


Category: Apostolic Journeys

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Interreligious Meeting: Address of His Holiness

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Pope Francis

Pope Francis addressed an interreligious meeting at the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta, on the second day of his Apostolic Visit to Indonesia.


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